Thursday, August 16, 2007

Still hanging out at Yankee Stadium picture wise, this is a shot of the center monuments in monument park. There are monuments here to Lou Gehrig, Miller Huggins and Babe Ruth. The monument area was pretty cool, and actully had a plaque to explain where the Yankees Empblem (the intertwined N and Y) came from. And now that your curious, its history lesson time.

From the plaque: "This insignia was orginally struck on a medal of honor in 1877 by Tiffany & Co. It was issued to the first New York City police officer shot in the line of duty. The New York Yankees adopted this logo and it became part of the uniform in 1909." So there you have it. Now you all know where the logo came from. Enjoy!

Monument Park


Anonymous said...

You're not old enough to remember but before the existing stadium was remodeled back in the 60's the monuments were inside the park in straightaway center field. I think the fence was about 450 ft in center back then so nobody hit a ball there if they could help it.

Anonymous said...

The Gehrig monument on the left is interesting because it says that his 2130 consecutive games streak "should stand for all time."

But thanks to a Baltimore Oriole, it didn't.