Monday, April 01, 2013

Over the past few weeks I've been working to update the landscaping in the front of the house. This is the new updated look that was accomplished by doing the following:
  • I dug up the remaining bush in the back, and replanted it in the backyard.
  • I dug up and moved the 5 barberry bushes that were in the "front" and moved them to the back. I got rid of one of the bushes, since I didn't really feel like I needed 5.
  • I then planted 5 patches of hosta that I got from my MIL in front of the barberry bushes. Hopefully they'll grow up big this year, but if not this year, I know eventually they will. The idea being that they will fill in the area nicely between the barberry bushes and the grass.




1 comment:

Shirley said...

You have a beautiful yard and the host will get huge in a couple years.