Tuesday, July 02, 2013

This picture was my picture of the day for yesterday, number 182 on the year. Technically, on a non-leap year, there's really no middle of the year post. So I'm gonna go ahead and say yesterdays picture is the halfway point, and use it to evaluate the project.

I've missed about 5 pictures so far, out of the last 182 days. Things were really rough back in late January and early February. But it seemed to pick up, and become more of an ingrained process throughout February. I've often used the photo of the day to mark the event(s) of the day, such as a trip to the carnival, or the building of Abbi's new playhouse. Here's a couple of stats on the photos:

  • 25% of the photos have involved my family
  • 21% of the photos have been either landscape or flower photography

Its definitely been a fun but challenging project, and I look forward to recapping again in January, and evaluating the overall collection of photos. Enjoy!


Halfway Through

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